Monday, January 6, 2020

Mindfulness Meditation and The Reduction of Anxiety

Mindfulness Meditation and The Reduction of Anxiety Mindfulness meditation is a form of meditation that has been prevalent for thousands of years, and is only becoming increasingly more popular. â€Å"Over the past decade, neuroscientists like myself have become increasingly interested in studying how meditation affects the brain and body. The number of studies conducted per year in this new field of contemplative science is rising exponentially, with more than 200 studies published last year alone,† (Hasenkamp). It’s a form of meditation in which a person builds a practice of awareness, intentionally focuses their attention on the present moment, and accepts whatever the present moment brings, without any judgment. New research presents†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"The majority of study participants reported decreases in anxiety. Researchers found that meditation reduced anxiety ratings by as much as 39 percent.† (Beck and Davis) The direct effect that focusing the mind on the present moment has on reducing anxiety and its symptoms are largely important. The idea of not controlling one’s thoughts, but redirecting them to the present moment is a fairly hard concept for most people to fully understand. Redirecting one’s thoughts to the present moment distracts the mind from any worry-some or anxiety inducing thoughts or feelings, without giving attention to them. The redirection of thoughts essentially keeps the mind occupied, which means the mind has less time to spend worrying or cultivating anxiety inducing scenarios in one’s mind. In relation to the redirection of thoughts being effective in reducing anxiety, it also has been proven to reduce physical symptoms of anxiety or discomfort. By reverting attention away from pre-existing physical discomforts, these same discomforts are given time to subside, which they typically do immensely, solely because it isn’t the focus of one’s attention. â€Å"Some experts believe that mindfulness works, in part, by helping people to accept their experiences- including painful emotions- rather than react to them with aversion andShow MoreRelatedThe Power Of The Mind : Mindfulness Meditation1574 Words   |  7 PagesProfessor Nichols Travis Health 101 4-20-2017 The Power of the Mind: Mindfulness Meditation Mind over matter, the idea that our minds have the power to overcome physical problems. One of the most ancient techniques that points to this concept is called mindfulness meditation. This ancient practice is now being researched by todays psychologist and neuro scientist for its benefits to our wellness. My research topic will explain how meditation impacts our health. 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