Sunday, December 29, 2019

How Energy Drinks Affect Health - 1135 Words

How Energy Drinks Affect Health Have you ever been drinking an energy drink and asked yourself, â€Å"is this good for me? Am I hurting my body by drinking this?† Well, I have done some research that shows the pros and cons of consuming energy drinks. Energy drinks are good for your health. Some studies show that they can improve memory,concentration, and athletic performance. Many energy drinks can contain B vitamins, water-soluble vitamins that aid in cell metabolism and support nervous and immune system functioning. B vitamins are essential for good health (Liberatore). Most of the ingredients in energy drinks don t have a big effect on your health according to recent studies. The ingredients that do have an effect, caffeine and sugar, have mixed results. Short term good, long term bad (Robertson). Studies show that intake of an energy drink improves mental and cognitive performances as well as increases subjective alertness (Go Easy on Those Energy Drinks). Energy drinks can be good for a person s health if you re old enough and drink a right amount. Energy drinks are bad for your health. High sugar concentration in energy drinks can induce a fast sugar high with a sugar crash afterwards. It also adds calories and can cause tooth decay, and slows absorption of fluid in the body. Since the body is working to dilute the high sugar concentration in the blood, it cannot get water into the cells, which can cause dehydration (Liberatore). Therefore drinking energy drinksShow MoreRelatedCaffeine, Caffeine And Health Benefits Between Coffee And Energy Drinks And How They Each Affect Brain Function1242 Words   |  5 PagesAdditives in Beverages Many people either enjoy to drink a cup of coffee, an energy drink, or sometimes both. People drink these without any knowledge of them other than the fact that they contain caffeine. How much caffeine do they contain though? Are these drinks even considered to be healthy for humans? 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