Friday, August 30, 2019

Diversity: Individual Rights and Social Care Settings Essay

Diversity recognises, respect and people’s differences to have a say and to realise the full potential by promoting different cultures to all members of staff and students within a school. Within schools diversity is promoted from an early age because of mixed classes of boys and girls and children from different cultures. Children will learn from being in school that every body’s different but we treat them equally. An example of this is another religion could be in the criteria so the children learn about another religion other than theirs. While they learn about another religion they begin to respect it. Diversity is very important when relating to the health and social care settings depending on the care setting because people are taking care of other peoples needs and this shows the cares will show respect towards others difference which they might encounter in every day working life. Equality Equality is ensuring individuals or groups of individuals are treated fairly and equally. An example of this could be within a work place where an employer doesn’t employ a certain person because they are a different race, nationality, age or sex. Within a hospital the members of staff have different ranking orders depending on their job title, even though a surgeon has a higher ranking to a nurse it doesn’t mean they can treat them differently because their job titles. For example a surgeon might look down on the nurse because he/she is lower in the ranking table than them but everyone is equal and should be treated equally. In everyday life within a health and social care setting it is important for all members of staff working within them to ensure they treat everyone is treated fairly even if they are not the same as the other person next to them because everyone is different but should be treated with equal rights. Individual rights An individual right is a legal term referring to what one person’s principles do and what can be done to/for an individual. Within a residential care home there might be some people who cannot look after themselves and some that may not be able to talk. Just because they cannot communicate they still have their individual right to their basic needs and what they want to do. Even if the client has a medical problem they are still entitled to their ndividual rights unless they are not mentally capable to look after themselves. Individual rights are equally important to the health and social care settings when refereeing to the individual’s needs because the carers need to take into account the patients and clients individual needs and if they cannot do it for themselves the carers will and will also have to take into account the individual rights of that person when working with them on a daily basis in some cases.

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