Sunday, August 11, 2019

Coca Cola Crisis in India 2003 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Coca Cola Crisis in India 2003 - Assignment Example It is important to note that this degree of trust is the cornerstone upon which any type of image recovery or customer trust will be built upon. Accordingly, these questions and answers will hinge upon building this degree of trust and seeking to engage key elements within the consumer base. Furthermore, an obvious recourse would be to attempt to re-engage the market with the understanding and belief that Coca Cola brand is investing all available energy and capital to remedy any quality control issues that might have existed previously. As a means towards accomplishing consumer trust on this matter, Coca Cola may wish to point to its civic activism within the recent past, both within India and around the world as a means to convince the shareholder of the serious nature in which Coca Cola takes such an action. As a means to accomplish both the long and the short term goals that have been mentioned, it will be incumbent upon Coca Cola to prove their overall level of seriousness by pr oviding demonstrable actions to the Indian marketplace that clear and decisive actions have been taken to remedy any prior shortfalls that may have been exhibited. How long would you evaluate the crisis? Unfortunately, a situation like the one that has been listed is not one that Coca Cola can recover from over the span of a few months or even years. Similarly, as anyone that is familiar with marketing will point out, the amount of time it takes to re-engage consumer trust and ensure the market that the firm is not typified by its most negative actions and the consequences thereof is a costly and time-intensive process. Due to the fact that the findings were so damning, it will take Coca Cola a very long period of time to both rectify the damage done to the brand’s image as well as to seek to effectively engage future consumers with the overall benefits of the brand. Although the process will not be quick or cheap, such is the responsibility of Coca Cola and defines any hope of increased future success within India. It should be noted that a great deal rests on the means by which Coca Cola attempts to re-engage its consumers.  Ã‚  

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