Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Using Sports as a Key Promotional Vehicle. (Adidas) Essay

Using Sports as a Key Promotional Vehicle. (Adidas) - Essay Example Other areas that the marketing plan shall address include choosing a media through which to do the advertisement. Such media could be electronic media, print media or web as an online marketing media. The paper will also discuss developing of an advertisement schedule that will define when and how long the advert is running in case it is a live broadcast. It will also define a clear way through which the plan will be able to measure the effectiveness of the advertisement (Caskey, & Subirana, 2007, p. 670). This paper will also address ways in which to go about the components of strategic marketing plan such as mission, goals, product planning, and marketing information management. It will also analyze and discuss distribution system, pricing, promotion strategies, financing, and issues to do with purchasing. The marketing plan will also address concerns around risk management, actual selling, and internal communication systems for effective management and passing of information. The promotion plan will also discuss other administrative plans such as a timeline for implementing the promotion and appropriate intervals when the promotion will run. In order to achieve all these, the plan will first set mission and vision. Marketing in general presents an opportunity for any business to grow. Additionally, this In fact, how much a business does its marketing plan determines how much the business is going to benefit in terms of sales turnover. The Sports Promotion Plan for Adidas This market ing promotion is all about Adidas and its assorted sports products. Adidas aims at sponsoring Euro 2012 to market itself. To do this, Adidas Company must find out all the stadiums where teams will play. Using Porter’s Generic model, the promotional plan for the sports equipment that Adidas must first consider will be the need to concentrate on cost leadership strategy as put ward by Chowdhury (Chowdhury, 2005, p. 64). Under this model, Adidas will have to set its prices averagely low so that it can earn a share of the market in the short run as it anticipates other competitor such as Fila to respond. The first promotional strategy for Adidas will be to secure the sponsorship in part but as the leading sponsor. This will give Adidas the power to make sure that it has a say on how Euro 2012 is going to engage in advertisement. The most recommendable promotion means in the forthcoming Euro 2012 will be to inside stadium advertisement and television promotion of the event. It wil l be satisfactory if the business also sponsors referee t-shirts and other sports assortment that there may be, then the business can just maintain its positions as other firms experience decrease in sales (Daniel, 2003, p. 233). Mission and Vision Adidas mission for Euro 2012 is to be the leading supplier for all sports assortments to teams and fans. Its vision is to reach most parts of rural and urban Europe to campaign for increased interests in sports. Adidas is aware that such a campaign will translate into increased demand for its products during the Euro 2012. The post-match period could also be profitable from the new market acquired during the Euro 2012 sponsorship. Other goals for the industry could be making sure that at the back of receipts sold, the front design has Adidas name in the

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