Argumentative research paper
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Diversity in the Business World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Decent variety in the Business World - Essay Example racteristics and encounters, for example, correspondence style, profession way, beneficial experience, instructive foundation, geographic area, salary level, conjugal status, military experience, parental status and different factors that impact individual points of view. As a rule workforce decent variety is seen as an upper hand and a business opportunity. Assorted variety is likewise about decent variety of thought and thoughts. Truth be told a decent planned business is just conceivable if the organization taps these assorted varieties (CHUBB, 2006). Customary organizations are entirely unexpected from the current day organizations. Not on account of the impermanent monetary downturn, or the innovation driven move in business practice. Or maybe, globalization has dominated and business has gotten fundamentally worldwide in scope and with this change, the very substance of business has modified. Business today isn't only the property of a couple of special individuals as on account of customary frameworks. Business today is led by and takes into account people of each possible foundation and culture. Staff of each ethnicity are once in a while additionally distanced by ordered decent variety workshops, which endeavored to show them how to coexist with their associates. Altogether, these were beast power ways to deal with ordering assorted variety and, however now and again effective in inducing an increasingly delegate staff, did little to pass on the genuine advantages of decent variety either to representatives or to the organizations client bases. Subsequently, really enduring change has been delayed to come. Managing change can be troublesome. Be that as it may, with change comes opportunity, and this is the key guideline of powerful organizations - having the ability and deftness to remove the best from polymorphic business. Organizations today have come to perceive the numerous advantages of an assorted methodology, which is encouraged by a differing workforce. Today, globalization has assumed control over business. As the global and residential shopper base
Saturday, August 22, 2020
INTERMED MACROECON Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
INTERMED MACROECON - Essay Example It essentially gauges yield and in this manner is an entirely unexpected idea from GDY (Gross Domestic Income) on the grounds that the last estimates wages. Likewise, just residential creation is included in GDP and no remote or abroad yield. The computation of GDP is encouraged by the utilization of value files whereby current costs are estimated against the cost of a base year and in this manner, changes in the degree of yield are estimated each year. Yield and GDP changes are decidedly corresponded. Gross domestic product isn't straightforwardly affected by an adjustment in the degree of costs and loan costs however in a roundabout way, they realize changes in work levels and in this manner, GDP is in a roundabout way influenced by these factors. Gorilla (Aggregate Planned Expenditure) APE is the proportion of all out merchandise and enterprises requested by all the divisions in a nation. Since it is the interest which makes GDP in local market, APE in all actuality likewise incor porates imported products which will in general increment the APE. So as to show up at the genuine APE, all imports (F) are deducted from the whole of family unit utilization (C), business speculation (I), government buys (G) and fares (X). Scientifically, it is meant by the accompanying recipe: APE= C + I + G + X â€F Variables influencing the APE are GDP and the financing cost levels. For GDP, the change is sure, solid and speedy while for loan costs, it is moderate, negative and frail. Be that as it may, APE isn't legitimately influenced by value level changes. ASF (Aggregate Supply of Funding) To gauge and characterize ASF, it is first fundamental to comprehend the significance of speed of cash (V). V is the quantity of time a dollar is utilized to buy merchandise or administrations inside a year. Additionally, assets in a nation can be ordered in cash and coins (CC) and financial records adjusts (CA), the total of which gives us the cash gracefully (M). While M increments wit h the expansion in bank loaning, V increments with the increment in non-bank loaning. All things considered, ASF comes out to be: ASF= (M * V)/p where p= value record Consequently, change in ASF is straightforwardly corresponding to an adjustment in financing costs while it is conversely relative to change in value levels. ADF (Aggregate Demand for Funding) Concept of ADF sneaks in when we set up balance among APE and GDP. If there should arise an occurrence of APE practically equivalent to GDP, ASF bolsters the subsidizing of creation just as deals. Be that as it may, when APE is not as much as GDP, makers and agents need extra incomes to repay their bills and expenses. It in this way follows ADF rises to APE when APE approaches GDP. Notwithstanding, ADF rises to GDP when APE < GDP. Section 2 Plotting GDP on a chart When plotting the macroeconomics factors of GDP, APE, ASF and ADF, the vertical pivot is the loan fee level (I) and the other three are appeared on the flat hub. Sin ce loan cost level has no immediate effect upon GDP level, the GDP line goes vertical unaffected. It just moves right or left by the measure of progress in GDP. Adding APE to the diagram To plot APE line on the chart, utilization of the accompanying recipe is done which has just been talked about above: APE= a + b (GDY) †ci. The incline of the APE line is consistently to one side and upwards in light of the fact that ascent in loan costs means fall in APE. A different line called IS which isn't an estimating unit, portrays all the blend of financing cost levels and GDP at which GDP rises to APE. The Macroeconomic Coordination Process tends the three lines to cross at regular focuses whether they move to one side or left
Activity 1_ Historical Context and a Closer Look at Setting Essays
Unit 3: A Struggle for Freedom Action 1: Historical Context and a Closer Look at Setting July 29, 2019 1. Topography a) Louisiana is a state situated in the southeastern piece of the United States of America. Louisiana is encircled by Mississippi and Gulf of Mexico in the east, Texas in the west, Arkansas in the north, and the Gulf of Mexico in the south. This is the place Louisiana is found. (in United States of America) b) From my home/neighborhood to Rosedown Plantation State Historic Site in Louisiana (12501 LA-10, Saint Francisville, LA 70775-4531) it would take 20hr 37min to arrive via vehicle and it is 2,140km far. As indicated by Mapquest c) Louisiana and Toronto have many differentiating contrasts. Regardless, Louisiana is situated far south of the United States of America. All things considered, there is an undeniable atmosphere contrast. Because of the reality, Louisiana is nearer to the equator in contrast with Toronto, the climate is significantly more sultry and the winters are not as brutal. Truth be told, in Louisiana it is amazingly uncommon to see snow not at all like Toronto where it snows intensely in the winter season. 2. African American Rights in the U.S. an) On January 1, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed the Emancipation Proclamation. This official report requested captives of specific states were to be free. As it expressed it in unique archive that all people held as slaves inside the defiant states seem to be, and henceforward will be free. b) The Civil Rights Movement basically started in 1950's to 1960's in the United States. The goal of the development was for African Americans to increase equivalent rights under the law in the United States of America. 3. Setting an) According to A ranch is the huge scope home implied for cultivating that works in real money crops. The yields that are developed incorporate cotton, espresso, tea, cocoa, sugar stick, sisal, oil seeds, oil palms, elastic trees, and natural products. b) A ranch is noteworthy spot in the Southern United States since it was utilized to authorized work captives to gather produce for fare and exchange. c) Segregation is partition in various racial gatherings in a network, nation or foundation. d) Segregation in schools and temples were advocated in the Southern United States in view of a law that was passed on 1896. This law expressed: the U.S. Preeminent Court decided that racially independent offices, if equivalent, didn't abuse the Constitution
Friday, August 21, 2020
Black Death Essays (689 words) - Plague, Second Plague Pandemic
Dark Death In the 1340's, roughly 33% to one a large portion of the number of inhabitants in Europe was cleared out by what was called ?The Black Death?. The individuals of the time were equipped with next to zero comprehension of why and how the plague occurred and how to control it; and this took into account the huge devastation that happened in minimal over three years time. The starting point of the pandemic has, with little uncertainty, been distinguished as Lake Issyk-Koul in what is presently a piece of Russian Central Asia. A flood, or some other cataclysmic event, drove different rodents from their living spaces around the lake; and with them they conveyed insects contaminated with the plague. A types of wild rodents regularly detached from mankind spread the plague to the more typical dark rodent, which has been riding on board dispatches since man initially set sail. The plague at that point followed the exchange courses all over Europe. ?Boats showed up from Caffa at the port of Me ssina, Sicily. A couple of biting the dust men clung to the paddles; the lay dead on the decks... Boats that conveyed the pined for merchandise of the legendary East currently additionally conveyed passing. The Pestilence had gone to the shores of Europe? (Wark). The records of the plague recount the side effects being ?tumors in the crotch or the armpits' and ?dark irate spots on the arm or thigh', run of the mill indications of Bubonic plague. Be that as it may, Bubonic plague typically takes a few days to kill, and numerous records recount casualties falling dead inside one day of getting the malady. The difference in the instances of the Black Death are the operations of three strains of the plague: the plague appropriate; a pneumonic (air-borne) rendition, portrayed by the heaving of blood; and a septicaemic variation, equipped for killing in a few hours, before run of the mill side effects can even create. The individuals the plague undermined knew neither the wellspring of the sickness, nor how to shield themselves from it. ?It was said that the reason for the Pestilence or The Great Mortality - fourteenth century names for the virus - was an especially vile arrangement of the planets, or a foul breeze made by late seismic tremors. Dif ferent hypotheses existed. ?Looks,' as per one medieval doctor, ?could execute' ? (Wark). They accepted their best plan of action for maintaining a strategic distance from the plague, was to run from it. At the point when flight was impossible, they endeavored to clean the air by consuming fragrant woods and powders. They stayed latent, practically vegetative, squatted in their homes; in the event that one needed to move, he should move gradually. Love, outrage, and hot showers were to be stayed away from; and, in view of the conviction that awful drove out awful, potential casualties would spend a half-hour day by day squatted over a lavatory to develop their obstruction. When one gotten the plague, demise was just an issue of time. Doctors quit visiting the decrepit out of dread and the undeniable purposelessness of their endeavors. They guaranteed the plague must be discipline from God, and accordingly outside their ability to control. Cleric despite everything came to convey the last rights, and subsequently, they kicked the bucket in huge numbers. The impacts of the plague went a long ways past the conspicuous loss of life, into the spirits of people. ? ?A few people insensitively kept up that there was no better or more strong cure against a plague than to flee from it. Influenced by this contention, and saving no idea for anybody however themselves, enormous quantities of people relinquished their city, their homes, their family members, their bequests and their possessions, and set out toward the open country. They kept up that a reliable method of warding off this horrifying malice was to drink vigorously, appreciate life without limit, circumvent singing and fun, satisfy the entirety of one's longings at whatever point the open door offered, and disregard the entire thing as one tremendous joke.' - Giovanni Boccaccio, The Decameron? (Wark). In any case, a few people took an alternate perspective on the circumstance. Germany was the middle for two wonders generated by the plague the Flagellant development, and a flood of h ostile to Semitism. The Flagellants accepted that by berating themselves they could deflect the fierceness of European History
Free Essays on Samuri
Samurai and Bushido: What You Didn’t Know It is genuinely regular for individuals to have known about samurai. It obliges a great deal of thoughts related with Japan and their way of life. Individuals consider glorious warriors from quite a while in the past. Be that as it may, many individuals, such as myself, are curious about the word bushido. There is a tremendous relationship among samurai and bushido. Bushido was the route by which samurai were guided throughout everyday life. Samurai were a colossal piece of the Japanese human progress for a few hundred years. In this paper, I will cover the historical backdrop of the samurai and the standards by which they experienced their lives. Albeit a warrior class had existed for many years in Japanese society, the samurai didn't develop until the twelfth century C.E. (Corridor, 8). The word samurai was gotten from the word saburai, which means â€Å"to serve. â€Å" The primary notice of the term was seen at some point in the eighth century, yet in reference to workers (Turnbull, 16). In spite of the fact that eminence lived luxuriously, there were warlords and renegades continually testing their position and causing a worry for their wellbeing. Incapable to depend on their regal gatekeepers, they put their children and workers under the administration of warrior-boss notable for their battling capacity. The gatherings of warriors offered their administrations to masters in return for insurance and an offer in the goods caught. The connection between the master and warrior was intense. The warrior was relied upon to commit his life to the administration of the master as an end-result of specific prizes. Towards the finish of the twelfth century, the opponent tribes, Taira and Minamoto, helped the ruler in controlling his adversaries. In any case, after the scene the groups betrayed one another and started battling. In the end the Minamoto tribe won and the pioneer of the faction announced himself shogun, or military pioneer. The situation of shogun was ordinarily transitory, however the pioneer of the Minamoto made it a stable situation, taki... Free Essays on Samuri Free Essays on Samuri Samurai and Bushido: What You Didn’t Know It is genuinely regular for individuals to have known about samurai. It obliges a great deal of thoughts related with Japan and their way of life. Individuals consider grand warriors from some time in the past. Be that as it may, many individuals, such as myself, are curious about the word bushido. There is an enormous relationship among samurai and bushido. Bushido was the route by which samurai were guided throughout everyday life. Samurai were an enormous piece of the Japanese human advancement for a few hundred years. In this paper, I will cover the historical backdrop of the samurai and the standards by which they experienced their lives. Albeit a warrior class had existed for many years in Japanese society, the samurai didn't rise until the twelfth century C.E. (Corridor, 8). The word samurai was gotten from the word saburai, which means â€Å"to serve. â€Å" The main notice of the term was seen at some point in the eighth century, yet in reference to hirelings (Turnbull, 16). In spite of the fact that eminence lived richly, there were warlords and dissidents continually testing their position and causing a worry for their security. Incapable to depend on their regal gatekeepers, they put their children and hirelings under the initiative of warrior-boss notable for their battling capacity. The gatherings of warriors offered their administrations to masters in return for assurance and an offer in the goods caught. The connection between the master and warrior was intense. The warrior was relied upon to commit his life to the administration of the master as a byproduct of specific prizes. Towards the finish of the twelfth century, the opponent groups, Taira and Minamoto, helped the head in suppressing his foes. In any case, after the scene the tribes betrayed one another and started battling. In the long run the Minamoto group won and the pioneer of the faction broadcasted himself shogun, or military pioneer. The situation of shogun was ordinarily impermanent, yet the pioneer of the Minamoto made it a stable situation, taki...
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Research In Physical Education - Free Essay Example
In comparing and contrasting qualitative and quantitative research, the following conclusions may be reached. In terms of purpose, qualitative research aims to understand interpret social interactions, while quantitative research seeks to test a hypothesis, look at cause and effect, and make predictions. In addition, qualitative research utilizes smaller, not randomly selected groups, as well as attempting to identify patterns. On the other hand, quantitative research focuses on numbers, instead identifying statistical relationships. As far as results, qualitative research generates specialized findings, while quantitative research produces results in generalizable findings, applicable to other populations. The focus of a qualitative study is wide reaching, examining the depth of the problem, while in quantitative research the focus is narrow, testing a specific hypothesis (Johnson, Christensen, 2008). In contrast, the distinction between qualitative and quantitative research is considered by some to be abstract and general, and therefore of limited value. The argument used to deem this distinction as unreliable are the similarities of different standpoints on important issues among qualitative researchers. In addition, the overlap between many features of qualitative and quantitative research often makes it difficult to separate qualitative and quantitative research (Allwood, 2012). Research plays a key role in pedagogy, as evidenced by the multitude of teaching methods and techniques available to physical educators. While the stereotype of monotonous and strongly regimented physical education classes were mostly true in the past, nowadays physical educators all over the world are pursuing the latest trends in P.E. in an effort to make their classes more appealing to students; resulting in increased motivation and participation. The days of calisthenics in a gymnasium filled with unmotivated students seem to be long gone, giving way to exciting developments such as the increased use of technology and interdisciplinary collaboration. With the advent of common core, P.E. teachers are finding new ways to incorporate literacy, as well as other subjects to their students (Jones, Brown, Holloway, 2012). Research undoubtedly plays a key role in discerning which trends in physical education are valuable and are here to stay, and which amount to nothing more than a passing fad. Physical educators rely on properly conducted research to determine how to best present a topic to their students, bearing in mind their developmental, physiological and psychological characteristics and needs (Longmuir Tremblay, 2016). Physical educators today rely on research and, more precisely, on empirical evidence to help guide decision making, which ultimately helps shape the curriculum. It is important to realize research is not exclusively confined to experts in the field, but rather it is accessible to anyone who is interested in gaining more knowledge on a particular subject. The importance of research cannot be understated: It is absolutely crucial in helping broaden knowledge in pedagogy as it introduces educators to more effective teaching practices (Jones, Brown, Holloway, 2012). In the field of pedagogy, applied research may be preferred. This is because applied research seeks to find solutions to practical problems, as opposed to basic research, which sometimes does not have a clear and immediate application. Physical educators benefit from applied research because it involves testing theoretical concepts in a practical environment; namely their groups of students (Armour MacDonald, 2012). Within applied research, the qualitative methodology is appealing to some, as it is based on extensive observations and interviews, not solely on data collection. Another reason why this type of research is more conducive to pedagogy is because it may be conducted in a natural setting, such as a classroom. The constructionist perspective states meaning and reality are situational specific, with no meaning necessarily more valid than another. Within this research perspective, the qualitative method tends to be more non-linear, allowing for more flexibility in terms of research methods. (Baumgartner Hensley 2013) Another common research method in physical education is descriptive research, aimed at gathering information from a subject group. This type of research first determines the way things are and then moves on to describe and define what it is in the present. Likewise, descriptive research utilizes a wider variety of methods to collect data (Thomas, Nelson Silverman, 2015). Descriptive research is well suited to studies seeking to identify the attitudes or opinions of various groups of individuals. Examples of descriptive research are opinion polls, surveys and questionnaires in which participants are asked about their opinion on a variety of subjects. Another descriptive research technique involves observational studies, which is a descriptive technique in which behaviors are observed in the participants natural setting, such as a classroom or play environment (Baumgartner Hensley, 2013) In conclusion, the writer analyzed a dissertation titled On-task student behavior on days with and without structured physical education by Kayla Byrd of Eastern Oregon University. The goal of this dissertation was to examine the effect of physical education instruction in the on-task behavior of students in the classroom. The study was quantitative in nature, with the author observing the on-task behavior of twenty-nine students on days with and without physical education. Students were observed twice throughout the six observation times for fifteen minutes each. An extra observation day was scheduled due to student absence on a physical education observation day, which increased the number observation days to seven. To document on-task behavior the researcher used the Davis School District Observation Form, marking on-task behaviors by making a slash in the ten second interval box and off-task behaviors by placing a letter code in the ten second interval box (e.g.: T= talking out/n oise: Inappropriate verbalizing or making sounds with object, mouth, or body, O= Out of seat: Student fully or partially out of assigned seat without teacher permission, I= Inactive: Student not engaged with assigned task and passively waiting, sitting, etc., N= Noncompliance: Breaking a classroom rule or not following teacher direction within fifteen seconds, and P= Playing with object: Manipulating objects without teacher permission). The data was then analyzed using a two paired T-test and descriptive analysis. There were numerous threats to the validity of the study. Firstly, the students were observed by a single observer. The lack of observers limited the diversity of what was considered to be on-task behavior. The observer determined each day what was on-task behavior and what was off-task behavior. In order to limit the variability, the observer wrote down what was to be considered off-task during the various activities prior to each observation beginning and followed the same structure for each observation and each activity. Secondly, activities varied during observation times. Though the observational visits occurred at the same time each day the activities were different on each observation period. Lastly, each student was only observed twice throughout the study, once on a physical education day and once on a non-physical education day. These validity concerns generated results showing there was no significant difference between physical education and student on-task behavior, with the author recommending more research to be done on the amount and quality of physical education in addition to the effect physical education has on student on-task behavior. As far as methodology, the writer suggests a considerably larger number of subjects, accompanied by additional observations conducted by more than one observer. The fact different activities were observed with each observation possibly contributed to the underwhelming results of the study, with the author unable to make an accurate correlation between physical education and the students behavior in the classroom. In summary, the writer would like to further examine the link between physical fitness levels and academic achievement by proposing a research study on the relationship between performance in the physical fitness test (FITNESSGRAM) and academic achievement in fifth-grade students. A possible research hypothesis is fifth-grade students who demonstrate aptitude on the physical fitness test will score higher in standardized academic tests than students who perform poorly on the physical fitness test. Another possible study would focus on the development of methods to monitor the motivation, confidence, knowledge and understanding of the components of physical literacy. Such a study has increased importance in light of the current obesity and inactivity crisis affecting our youth. Physical education develops physical competence so all children are able to move efficiently and effectively, while understanding what they are doing. The desired outcome of effective PE instruction is physical literacy, creating an essential basis for their full development and achievement. A physically literate young person has the skills, confidence and understanding to continue participation in physical activity throughout the life span. In terms of methodology, such a study would be qualitative in nature given its scope. Additionally, there would be a necessity to make use of a large number of subjects in a comprehensive attempt to gather as much information as possible on their experiences in physi cal education over their lifetime. Though time consuming, the results of such a study could prove to be extremely beneficial to physical educators in their efforts to raise a more physically literate generation.
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
Website That Writes Essays For You On Leader’s Flaws
BLOG In: Services We will highlight the major reasons to buy custom essay on our website. is a team of professionals that provides full-fledged support for our customers. First of all, the papers we deliver are written by professional writers with huge experience and sufficient level of skills to write even Ph.D. papers. Our online chat works 24/7 to answer the questions of our customer. Feel free to contact us should you have any questions about our company or our services. Our support agents are obliged to provide all the necessary information and help in case if you are confused with an order form. If you need essay rewriting for cheap, our websites that write papers for you can meet all your requirements. Also in this section: Essay Help From The UK: Personal Time Management Write My University Essay On Attention Theories Editing College Admissions Essays At Star-Writers.Com Best Term Paper Writing Service: Stimulation Of Creativity College Essay Editing Online: Apathy Treatment Take My Online Class On What Is Social Attitude For Me Pay Someone To Do My Assignment In The UK Write My Term Paper On Why Patience Is A Virtue A website that writes essays for you also provides interesting blog posts on various topic and this one about major leaders mistakes is one of them. We all make mistakes from time to time but leaders mistakes caused a lot of problems for them directly and the subordinates. Every mistake is an experience allowing to eliminate the same mistakes in the future. However, most people do not pay much attention to the reasons for making these mistakes and it is worth noting the most propagated mistakes of the leaders to be able to eliminate them. Lack of feedback According to the Ken Blanchard Company study, lack of feedback is a common mistake of the leaders. Thus, they cant fulfill the lack of experience of the subordinates and they inevitably make mistakes. In other cases, feedback can be provided in the form of criticism but without providing the effective ways to avoid these mistakes. That's why feedback is an important feature of every leader who deals with subordinates. If you experience lack of social skills, these ten tips on communication skills development will help you to become a perfect collocutor. Disregard your team Obviously, both the head and the subordinates have certain duties but the leader should also pay attention to each member of the team and provide his/her piece of advice or aid when they are confused since the leader is more experienced and diligent and able share his/her experience. Disregard micromanagement If your team has to deal with a serious project you need to follow each step it takes since they might misunderstand your commands and fail to meet your requirements. Micromanagement is considered to be one of the worst approaches since it seriously limits the freedom of the employees since according to this theory the leader should not pay attention to the details. Due to the fact that your reputation might be put at risk, it is better to keep abreast of all the details. Being too friendly It is important to have positive relationships with the colleagues but being too friendly means to be inattentive. When emotions take control, it is difficult to make decisions especially when it comes to dismissing. Moreover, a polite and friendly leader can't be respected since he or she is considered to be a friend but there is no place for friendship in this case. Goals are uncertain Any leader should be straightforward and clearly understand what measures should be taken to achieve goals but if goals seem to be uncertain it significantly complicates elaboration of possible ways to attain them. Thus, the objectives should be clear and comprehensive in order not to cause problems and misunderstandings. Misunderstanding of motivation How to motivate your employees properly? Usually, financial reward is used as a means of motivations but soon enough money becomes the only way to coerce the employees to work. Most psychologists are positive that such type of motivation is destructive since the subordinates blindly follow the orders without enjoying the process. Thats why if you still use such type of motivation you need to change the approach since soon enough it will become ineffective. Hasty decisions concerning personnel There is no need to hurry to hire somebody since you might cause serious problems for the company and the colleagues as well. First of all, you should make a list of personal and professional qualities that should be met by the future candidate and carefully select each one in order not to make mistake. Usually, both sexual and racial prejudice influence their choice. Read more about it in order not to lose a good employee Do not become an idol Remember that one you appear among the employees they will start looking at you even if you want to make some coffee. They subconsciously copy the leader's behavior and gestures. However, it happens only if the leader is respected by the employees. Even your emotional state is also copied by the subordinates and if you are angry or irritated they will be as well. Any leader is like a hero for the subordinates and you should meet all the stated requirements to be one Do not delegate responsibilities Unwillingness to delegate work or duties usually means that the leaders dont trust the employees and consider them to be unable to complete a certain type of work. Thus, due to the constant fear a person experiences an emotional breakdown. In order to avoid such aftermath, one should trust the subordinates to delegate certain responsibilities since it is impossible to cope with the large amount of work all alone. Thats why a good leader should be aware of all the skills and capabilities of the employees and benefit from them. Misunderstanding of your role Imagine you got a promotion and now you have a certain number of subordinates. At this point, you should understand that you need to change both your behavior and mindset let alone schedule and relations with subordinates. This position has plenty of branches and responsibilities and it wont be enough just to delegate certain responsibilities to others. You need to teach them, to guide them when they are confused. This is the main purpose of the leader. These are major qualities of the leader so you could be aware of all of them and meet the stated requirements. 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